Mobile Telephone
086 860 0201
Office Telephone
057 862 8770
Upgrades & Repairs
We also provide a repairs service for existing windows and doors. Our services include the provision of new parts for upvc windows such as handles, hinges or mechanisms, and the maintenance and repair of window problems.
Common Faults:
Building Works
To compliment the installation of our windows and doors, we also undertake small scale building works to help you get the most from your investment. Typical works include:
Glazing Upgrades
Happy with your existing windows or doors but want better energy efficiency? We can also provide glazing upgrades to your existing windows and doors, repacing faulty glazing panels and upgrading from single to douple or triple glazing.
We can also install stained or coloured glass in our windows to compliment the beauty of your home
Call us on the numbers below or use the 'Contact Up' form to get in touch and see what we can do for you.
● Jammed windows
● Faulty locks
● Damaged hinges
● Draughts
● Porch construction
● Knocking through windows to create patio doors
All building work is carried out with the minimum amount of disruption and dust and we pride ourselves in always leaving your home as clean as the way we found it.